Thursday Night Vintage Swing
Beginner Lessons
Every dance we teach a beginning drop in lesson, which is included in the price of admission. Lessons are taught by a team of volunteers and generally focus on basic East Coast Swing, but the exact content of the lesson varies depending on the talents of the instructor. The drop in lessons are from 7 PM to 8 PM. Even if you've been to one or two beginner lessons already, it's always a great idea to keep attending lessons as different instructors will teach different dance moves and have different pointers.
Beyond the Basics
If you love swing dancing and you feel comfortable with the East Coast Swing basic step, inside turn, and outside turn, then these lessons are for you! Beyond the Basics will build upon the skills dancers have learned in the Beginner lessons, focusing on technique, connection, transitions, and new moves.
We offer Beyond the Basics lessons when we do not have series classes happening.
Series Classes
We offer 4-5 week series classes throughout the year. Prices vary depending on topic, instructor(s), and length of class. Previous series classes include East Coast Swing Fundamentals, Charleston, Lindy Hop 1 and 2, and Balboa. Our series classes start the beginning of the month
Private Lessons
Some of our members also teach private lessons if you want to advance faster with your dancing. Feel free to reach out to us at or on Facebook and let us know what your lesson needs are. We will then put you in contact with a possible instructor.
Wanna be the Teacher?
Want to help out by teaching? We love getting new volunteers! Check out our How to Volunteer page.